Friday, December 5, 2008

I've got nothing

Ok, so I just noticed that I have not posted anything in a while. But honestly, I don't have anything new to say. There really isn't much going on. So I will just tell you about the few things that I am loving so much right now!
1. My new Blackberry Storm - OH MY GOODNESS - I love this phone. I love the text msg screen, I just love everything about it.
2. Warm Scarves - I am really getting into scarves and the nice warmth they give my scrawny neck.
3. My Husband - On Wednesday as we were sitting down to dinner he just looked over at me and asked me if I was happy (I said yeah) and do you know what he said to me?? Guess...I'll wait...... He looked me straight in the eye and said that he just wants to make sure that I am happy *** cue the violins**
4. My butt & hand warmers - my car has seat warmers AND get this steering wheel warmer. I love it.